About Us
Krishitantra (M/s Klonec automation systems Pvt ltd) is an Agri-tech startup specializing in soil technology, farm data acquisition, and related cloud services by building disruptive solutions for soil analysis using cutting-edge technologies.

Founded Krishitantra, Incubation with Intel

Acceleration Program with Bosch India
pH & EC Monitoring

IIMK Incubation, IIT-SINE Incubation
pH & EC Monitoring

IIT-SINE seed funding, Indigram incubation, incubation with sandbox for startup, started developing KRISHIRASTAA

Indigram Labs foundation, IIMK, NABVENTURES Fund 1, Omnivore partners India Fund 1
Patent applied, Seed funding from NABVENTURES Fund 1,and Omnivore Partners India Fund 1

NABVENTURES Fund 2, Omnivore Partners India Fund 2
Soil Nutrient Mapping of Telangana State under NeGPA GOI, Second patent applied

IIT-SINE, CCAMP, NABVENTURES and Omnivore Secondary investment
Digital India Award, Patent grant for 1st patent application, MOU signed with ICAR - IIRR for joint innovation development, Soil Healthcard Scheme digitization for Ministry of Agriculture GOI, Licensing of Technology to HiMedia Lab Pvt Ltd